by | Jul 2, 2024

Advanced Drainage Solutions: Top 10 Benefits in 2024


The Importance of Advanced Drainage Solutions

When it comes to protecting your property from water damage, advanced drainage solutions are essential. They are designed to manage and control excess water, prevent flooding, and protect your investments.

Key Benefits of Advanced Drainage Solutions:
– Prevents water damage and costly repairs
– Protects landscaping and property foundations
– Enhances soil and lawn health
– Controls groundwater levels and reduces erosion

Why is water management so crucial?

Effective water management ensures that rainwater, stormwater, and other sources of excess water are channeled away safely from your property. Without proper drainage, water can accumulate, leading to various problems like foundation damage, soil erosion, and even health hazards from stagnant water.

Did you know? Advanced Drainage Systems, a leading manufacturer in this field, emphasizes that “every drop of water is managed responsibly, from rainfall to its safe release back to the environment.”

Benefits of Advanced Drainage Solutions - advanced drainage solutions infographic brainstorm-4-items

What Are Advanced Drainage Solutions?

Advanced drainage solutions are systems designed to manage water effectively. They help control stormwater, wastewater, and other excess water, ensuring it is safely channeled away from properties. This prevents issues like flooding, foundation damage, and soil erosion.

Definition and Purpose

Advanced drainage solutions involve a range of methods and technologies to handle water. The main goal is to capture, convey, store, and treat water, making sure it doesn’t cause problems. These systems are crucial for both residential and commercial properties.


These solutions typically include:

  • Pipes: High-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes are common. They are durable and efficient in transporting water.
  • Catch Basins: These collect surface water and direct it into the drainage system.
  • French Drains: Trenches filled with gravel and a perforated pipe to redirect water.
  • Retention and Detention Systems: Store water temporarily to prevent flooding.
  • Chambers and Basins: Used to manage larger volumes of water.

Water Management

Managing water properly is essential. It involves handling stormwater and wastewater efficiently.

  • Stormwater: This is the rainwater that runs off surfaces like roofs and driveways. Advanced systems capture and redirect this water to prevent flooding.
  • Wastewater: This includes water from household activities like washing dishes and laundry. Onsite septic systems treat this water, making it safe for release back into the environment.

Real-World Impact

According to a 2023 Harris Poll Survey, 58% of Americans are concerned about how stormwater is managed in their area. Companies like Advanced Drainage Systems are at the forefront, providing innovative solutions to address these concerns. Their work helps prevent floods, recharge aquifers, and improve food security.

Scott Barbour, CEO of Advanced Drainage Systems, highlights the importance of these systems: “With the ever-increasing frequency of large-scale stormwater-related natural disasters, having proper infrastructure in place to capture, convey, store, and treat water has never been more important.”

stormwater management - advanced drainage solutions


Understanding advanced drainage solutions is key to managing water effectively. These systems protect properties from water damage and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Next, we’ll explore the different types of advanced drainage solutions available and how they can benefit you.

Types of Advanced Drainage Solutions

When it comes to managing water, advanced drainage solutions offer a variety of options tailored to different needs. Let’s dive into some of the most effective types of systems available:

Stormwater Systems

Stormwater systems are designed to handle excess rainwater and prevent flooding. These systems capture runoff from surfaces like roofs, roads, and parking lots, and channel it away from properties. They include a mix of pipes, catch basins, and detention systems to manage the water flow.

Example: During a recent tropical storm, a well-designed stormwater system installed by Marchi Paving Inc. successfully prevented flooding in a neighborhood prone to water accumulation.

Septic Systems

Septic systems are essential for properties without access to municipal sewer systems. They treat and dispose of wastewater on-site, making them a vital part of rural and suburban water management. A typical septic system includes a septic tank and a drain field, where the treated water is absorbed into the soil.

Retention/Detention Systems

Retention and detention systems are used to manage stormwater by temporarily holding it and then releasing it slowly into the environment.

  • Retention Systems: These keep the water on-site, often in a pond or underground tank, allowing it to infiltrate the ground gradually.
  • Detention Systems: These hold water temporarily and release it at a controlled rate to prevent overwhelming local waterways.


Chambers are underground structures that store and infiltrate stormwater. They are often used in conjunction with other systems to increase storage capacity without taking up surface space. Chambers are particularly useful in urban areas where space is limited.


Basins, including catch basins and dry wells, are designed to collect and manage surface water.

  • Catch Basins: These are installed at low points to capture runoff and direct it into a drainage system.
  • Dry Wells: These allow water to percolate into the ground, reducing runoff and recharging groundwater supplies.


Pipes are the backbone of any drainage system. They transport water from collection points to disposal areas. Advanced materials like high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ensure durability and efficiency.

Fact: Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS) is the world’s largest producer of HDPE corrugated plastic pipes, which are crucial for effective water management.

Each type of advanced drainage solution plays a unique role in managing water efficiently. Understanding these systems helps you make informed decisions about the best solutions for your property.

Next, we’ll look at the benefits of these advanced drainage solutions and how they contribute to long-term value and sustainability.

Benefits of Advanced Drainage Solutions

Flood Mitigation

Advanced drainage solutions are designed to manage water effectively, reducing the risk of flooding. They capture and redirect excess water away from your property.

Lillyanne A., a satisfied customer, shared her experience: “ADS designed a detailed plan to address our complex drainage problem. We made it through the recent tropical storm with no water drainage problem!”

Environmental Sustainability

Proper drainage systems protect the environment by preventing soil erosion and reducing water pollution. They help maintain natural water cycles and support healthy landscapes.

Fact: Effective drainage systems protect plants and soil from erosion and drowning, preserving your yard’s beauty and health.

Cost Savings

While the initial investment can be high, advanced drainage solutions save money in the long run. They prevent costly water damage to your home’s foundation and reduce the need for frequent repairs.

Example: A well-installed French drain can protect your property from erosion and structural damage, saving you money on repairs and maintaining your home’s value.

Long-Term Value

Investing in advanced drainage solutions enhances your property’s long-term value. Homes with effective drainage systems are more appealing to buyers and can command higher market prices.

Statistic: Homes with advanced drainage systems are more attractive to prospective buyers, increasing property value and marketability.


Advanced drainage solutions are designed for durability and performance. Using high-quality materials like HDPE and PVC, these systems withstand severe weather conditions and heavy use.

Fact: Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS) is a leading manufacturer of high-performance thermoplastic pipes, ensuring long-lasting and efficient water management solutions.

Next, we’ll explore the key components of advanced drainage systems and how they work to manage water effectively.

Key Components of Advanced Drainage Systems

Thermoplastic Pipes

Thermoplastic pipes are essential for advanced drainage systems. They are made from materials like polypropylene, polyethylene, and PVC. These pipes are known for their durability, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion, making them ideal for various drainage applications.

  • Polypropylene (PP): This material is highly resistant to chemicals and temperature variations. It’s perfect for environments where chemical exposure is a concern.
  • Polyethylene (PE): High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is commonly used in underground installations due to its strength and non-reactive nature. It’s excellent for areas with corrosive soil.
  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride): Widely used for indoor plumbing and some outdoor applications. It’s affordable and versatile, making it a popular choice for many drainage systems.


Fittings connect pipes and other components in a drainage system. They include elbows, tees, and couplings, allowing for various configurations to suit specific needs. High-quality fittings ensure a secure and leak-proof system.

Water Filters

Water filters are crucial for maintaining the efficiency of a drainage system. They remove debris and sediments from the water before it enters the pipes, preventing clogs and maintaining smooth water flow.

Water Separators

Water separators help separate clean water from contaminants. They are especially useful in areas prone to oil spills or other pollutants. By removing these contaminants, water separators protect the integrity of the drainage system and the environment.

Each of these components plays a vital role in the effectiveness and longevity of advanced drainage solutions. Next, let’s dive into how these systems work to manage water effectively.

How Advanced Drainage Solutions Work


The first step in advanced drainage solutions is capturing water. This involves collecting water from various sources like roofs, driveways, and lawns. Systems like French drains, catch basins, and channel drains are often used. They efficiently gather water to prevent pooling and flooding.


Once captured, water needs to be moved away from the property. This is where pipes come into play. High-quality thermoplastic pipes made of materials like polypropylene and polyethylene are used. These pipes are durable and designed to handle large volumes of water. Gravity-fed systems are preferred because they don’t rely on electricity or pumps, reducing maintenance needs.


In some cases, water needs to be stored temporarily before it can be safely released. Retention and detention systems are used for this purpose. Retention systems keep water for longer periods, allowing it to seep into the ground. Detention systems, on the other hand, hold water temporarily and release it slowly to prevent flooding.


Treatment is essential to remove contaminants from the water. Water filters and water separators play a crucial role here. They filter out debris, oil, and other pollutants, ensuring that only clean water is released back into the environment.

Lifecycle of Water

Understanding the lifecycle of water is key to effective drainage. Water goes through several stages: capture, conveyance, storage, and treatment. Each stage must be managed efficiently to prevent issues like flooding, erosion, or contamination.

Hydrostatic Pressure

One of the main challenges addressed by advanced drainage solutions is hydrostatic pressure. This pressure builds up when water pools or saturates the soil around your foundation. By capturing and redirecting water away from the property, these systems reduce hydrostatic pressure, preventing water from seeping into basements or crawlspaces.

By efficiently managing each of these stages, advanced drainage solutions provide a comprehensive approach to water management. This not only protects your property but also contributes to environmental sustainability.

Next, we’ll explore how these solutions can be tailored for residential properties.

Advanced Drainage Solutions for Residential Properties

When it comes to protecting your home from water damage, advanced drainage solutions are essential. They help manage water efficiently and prevent problems like flooding, erosion, and foundation damage. Here, we’ll discuss some key components: French drains, catch basins, and channel drains. We’ll also cover their maintenance and installation.

French Drains

French drains are trenches filled with gravel or rock that contain a perforated pipe. They are designed to redirect groundwater and surface water away from your property.

How They Work:
Gravel and Rock: These materials filter water and prevent debris from clogging the pipe.
Perforated Pipe: This pipe collects and carries water away from problem areas.

Maintenance: French drains need occasional upkeep to remain effective. You’ll need to clear the gravel of sediment to ensure water can flow freely.

Installation: Proper installation is crucial. The trench should be deep enough to collect groundwater, and the pipe should slope downward to ensure water flows away from your home.

Catch Basins

Catch basins are essential for collecting and controlling surface water runoff. They are typically installed at low points where water tends to pool.

How They Work:
Grated Inlet: This allows water to enter the basin while keeping out larger debris.
Underground Basin: This collects water and channels it into a drainage system.

Maintenance: Keep the grates clear of leaves and debris to prevent clogging. Periodic cleaning of the basin is also necessary to remove accumulated sediment.

Installation: Catch basins should be strategically placed in areas prone to water pooling, such as driveways and low spots in the yard.

Channel Drains

Channel drains are long, narrow drains that capture surface water and direct it away from your property.

How They Work:
Surface Grate: This allows water to enter the drain while keeping out debris.
Drain Channel: This channels water to a safe discharge point.

Maintenance: Regularly blow off or clear the surface grates to prevent obstructions. Ensure the exit of the drain line is not covered or obstructed.

Installation: Channel drains should be installed in areas where water runoff is high, such as along driveways or patios. Proper slope and alignment are crucial for effective water flow.


Maintaining your drainage system ensures long-term performance. Here are some tips:
Clear Grates: Regularly remove debris from grates on catch basins and channel drains.
Inspect Pipes: Check for obstructions or damage, especially after heavy rains.
Clean Aggregate: For French drains, periodically clean the gravel to remove sediment buildup.


Proper installation is key to the effectiveness of any drainage system. Here’s what you need to know:
Professional Assessment: Have a professional evaluate your property’s drainage needs.
Correct Placement: Ensure drains are placed in strategic locations to maximize water diversion.
Quality Materials: Use high-quality materials like perforated PVC pipes and real drainage rock.

By understanding and implementing these advanced drainage solutions, you can protect your home from water-related issues. Up next, we’ll discuss how these solutions are applied in commercial and infrastructure projects.

Advanced Drainage Solutions for Commercial and Infrastructure Projects

When it comes to large-scale projects and public infrastructure, advanced drainage solutions are crucial. They help manage stormwater, handle onsite septic wastewater, and ensure the longevity of public spaces.

Stormwater Management

Stormwater management is vital as storms become more frequent and severe. Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS) offers highly engineered solutions to capture, convey, store, and treat stormwater. According to Scott Barbour, CEO of ADS, “Having proper infrastructure in place to capture, convey, store and treat water has never been more important.”

These systems prevent flooding, recharge aquifers, and improve food security. They ensure that communities can thrive even during extreme weather events.

Onsite Septic Wastewater

ADS also specializes in onsite septic wastewater solutions. These systems are essential for areas without access to public sewage systems. They treat and dispose of wastewater efficiently, reducing the risk of contamination and environmental damage.

Infiltrator Water Technologies, a subsidiary of ADS, provides innovative septic systems that are easy to install and maintain. These systems are designed to last, offering a sustainable solution for managing wastewater in remote or rural areas.

Large-Scale Projects

Large-scale projects require robust and reliable drainage solutions. ADS is a leader in providing high-performance, durable pipes and related products. Their thermoplastic pipes, primarily high-density polyethylene (HDPE), are used in construction, infrastructure, and agriculture markets.

These pipes are designed to handle significant volumes of water, making them ideal for large-scale drainage projects. They are also environmentally sustainable, as ADS is one of the largest plastic recycling companies in North America.

Public Infrastructure

Public infrastructure projects benefit greatly from advanced drainage solutions. Proper drainage systems ensure the longevity and safety of roads, bridges, and public buildings. They prevent water damage and reduce maintenance costs over time.

ADS operates over 60 plants and 30 distribution centers, serving customers in all 50 U.S. states and approximately 80 countries worldwide. This extensive network ensures that public infrastructure projects have access to the best drainage solutions available.

By implementing advanced drainage solutions in commercial and infrastructure projects, communities can better manage water resources, protect the environment, and ensure public safety. Up next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about these solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Advanced Drainage Solutions

What maintenance is required for drainage systems?

Different drainage systems have varying maintenance needs. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Catch basins and channel drains: These require minimal maintenance. Simply blow off the surface grates or keep them clear from obstructions. If the drain grates clog, pooling will occur. Also, ensure the exit of the drain line is not obstructed. Solid debris can trap at the end of the pipe if covered.
  • French drains: These need more attention. French drains rely on clear aggregate to move water into the pipe. You might need to remove and clean the aggregate periodically to keep sediment from clogging the system.

Regular maintenance ensures these systems work effectively and prevent water pooling or damage.

Are French drains the best solution for my drainage problem?

French drains can be very effective, but they aren’t always the best solution for every situation. Here’s what to consider:

  • Effectiveness: French drains are great for collecting and absorbing groundwater. However, in areas with clay soil, absorption may be slow, potentially worsening the problem.
  • Conditions: The effectiveness of a French drain depends on the specific conditions of your property. For instance, if your property has a lot of surface runoff, a French drain might not be the best option.
  • Maintenance: French drains require regular maintenance to keep the aggregate clear and functional. This can be challenging, especially if the drain is meant to handle surface runoff.

It’s best to have a professional evaluate your property to determine the most effective drainage solution.

What is the difference between exterior drainage systems and waterproofing systems?

Understanding the difference between these systems is crucial:

  • Exterior drainage systems: These are designed to manage water outside the home, preventing it from entering. They address issues like hydrostatic pressure, which is the pressure caused by water pooling against your foundation walls. By removing this pressure, these systems can prevent water entry. They are often the first line of defense and can eliminate water entry problems even if there are foundation cracks.
  • Waterproofing systems: These deal with water after it has entered the structure. They often involve cutting the floor inside the basement or digging trenches in crawlspaces to collect and funnel water to a sump pump, which then pumps it out. These systems don’t address the exterior conditions causing water entry and can sometimes lead to increased water entry over time by allowing the problem to persist.

Choosing the right system depends on the specific issues you’re facing. Exterior drainage systems are generally preferred for preventing water entry, while waterproofing systems are used when water has already penetrated the structure.


In summary, advanced drainage solutions are essential for protecting your property from water damage, whether it’s from stormwater, wastewater, or groundwater. These systems are designed to address the root causes of drainage problems, rather than just treating the symptoms. By capturing, conveying, storing, and treating water effectively, advanced drainage solutions help prevent flooding, reduce environmental impact, and save costs in the long run.

The importance of these solutions cannot be overstated. Proper drainage is crucial for maintaining the health and beauty of your landscape, protecting your home or commercial property, and ensuring long-term resilience. With the increasing frequency of severe weather events, investing in a robust drainage system is more important than ever.

At Marchi Paving Inc., we are committed to delivering high-quality drainage solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our team uses top-notch materials and advanced techniques to ensure that every system we install is built to last. We also invest in state-of-the-art equipment to enhance the efficiency and precision of our work.

When you choose Marchi Paving Inc., you’re not just hiring a contractor; you’re partnering with a team dedicated to delivering outstanding results. Our extensive experience and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the go-to choice for all your drainage needs.

Ready to protect your landscape and home from water damage? Contact us today to get a detailed quote and experience the Marchi Paving difference.


The Benefits of Advanced Drainage Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide

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